About 2 years ago when I was between contracts…! a girlfriend invited me to join her on a House Sitting engagement she had landed in NSW using HelpX.net Thus started my immersion in the Digital Nomad lifestyle, this lasted for 4 months as we traveled up and down the east coast of Australia. Our expenses were limited to petrol money, home cooked food and beer money spent down at the local.

Since then, I have joined TrustedHouseSitters.com and started to build my profile with a few local House Sits in Melbourne, and another one starting next week. I find these assignments are a wonderful home-away-from-home break, allowing me to care for treasured pets (which I don’t have myself!), access a home WiFi (which I only have on my phone usually) and cook on a BBQ (which I don’t have as I live in an apartment!).

This is all by way of mental, emotional and physical preparation for my up-coming 3-4 month trip to Nicaragua, where I hope to offer and extend my House Sitting experience.

Is anyone in Nicaragua at the moment?

Anyone House Sit there yet – especially in Granada?

Anyone had any bad experiences with House Sitting?

For the last few years I have been preparing for retirement and easing myself into becoming a Digital Nomad. One of the things that I am slowly adopting is “Minimalism”.

I guess the Universe started the ball rolling once I had to downsize into my apartment following the separation from my partner – most of my stuff was left at my partners!

Then I went on a “Digital Nomad Trial” when I went “WOOFing” with a friend up to Cape Tribulation and back – another opportunity to downsize, as we essentially lived in out of her car for 6 months!

Then I thought it would be a good idea to pay for the children’s school fees and put my apartment on Airbnb – again having to cleanse my apartment each time before my guests arrived.

Now I both look for stuff to offload to op-shops and break out in hives every-time I pass a Shopping Centre! By April, when I plan to head off to Central America for my mini retirement, I reckon my psyche will be ready for that carry-on day pack!

Are we seeing the start of a grass-roots movement where both the young and more interestingly in the old reject the old “Industrial Age” (stuff) and embrace the new “Information Age” (minimalism)?


See post on Linkedin



Preparing to be a Digital Nomad – First Barter opportunity.

Well – this Digital Nomad Retirement idea might actually work! Two days after my first post on LinkedIn I got a call from an old friend – Marta, who declared that she and her husband were about to head-off on a couple of “Mid Life Gap Years” starting with Australia, then Asia.  Being the opportunist… Continue reading Preparing to be a Digital Nomad – First Barter opportunity.

Digital Nomad! – Is it a sustainable Career-Lifestyle or just a Mini-Retirement option?

I read this article (linked below I hope!) in Forbes a week ago and keep coming back to it.  I am approaching retirement, as opposed to just starting my career.  Next year I am planning to try my hand at being a “Digital Nomad” in Central America.  The idea is that I will take a… Continue reading Digital Nomad! – Is it a sustainable Career-Lifestyle or just a Mini-Retirement option?